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Keeping us safe from COVID-19

We are taking vital precautions before anyone enters our hospital to remain COVID-19 free. Our biggest change is that we are no longer accepting visitors. If you are dropping someone off or picking them up for surgery, you may do so, ask our staff how this can be done safely.

If you are coming into Ormiston Hospital as a patient, we want you to know that we are doing everything we can to protect you. Ormiston Hospital took measures at an early stage to ensure both our people and our patients are protected and we remain COVID-19 free.

Before explaining our response, we would like to make sure that you as a patient, or a support person or other visitor to our hospitals, understand the restrictions that are now in place which affect your access to our hospital. In line with the latest government advice, we are strictly reducing contact opportunities and encouraging staff and patients to isolate as much as possible.

New restricted access includes:

  • We are restricting patient visitors. The only exceptions are the designated person who brings you in on the day of your surgery and who will collect you on discharge or caregivers. These people are restricted to one person at a time.
  • No access by contractors, suppliers or any other visitors except on essential business and then by arrangement.
  • All visitors who meet these criteria must go to reception and sign in, and must also declare that:
    • Are well upon entering the hospital, including no symptoms of a respiratory infection such as raised temperature, a sore throat, a cough, experiencing chest discomfort or difficulties with breathing (regardless of travel history).
    • Have not travelled overseas in the last 14 days
    • Have not been in close contact with someone who has travelled overseas in the last 14 days
    • Are not living with someone who is in self-isolation
    • Have not been in close contact with someone who is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.

If you are a patient, for the safety of yourself and others, your planned surgery may be deferred. For all other visitors you will be declined entry if there are any concerns that you do not meet the screening criteria.

For those who are at risk (exposed or have been overseas):

The Ministry of Health is advising individuals who have been assessed as potentially at risk, based on travel or contact history, to ‘self-isolate’ at home. There is more information on this available via the Ministry of Health website: Self Isolation

You are also advised to phone Healthline where you can get additional support and advice: 0800 358 5453

A focus on your safety

We want to reassure everyone visiting Ormiston Hospital that we have robust systems and planned processes in place to protect everyone at this anxious time.

We are monitoring the spread of COVID-19 closely and reacting quickly to any changes. We naturally continue to prioritise the health and safety of our patients and families, employees, medical specialists and suppliers, as part of the wider effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within New Zealand.

We expect the situation to be constantly changing and we expect to conduct constant reviews. We will communicate accordingly. As our pandemic planning evolves, and in the event that COVID-19 becomes more widespread, we may need to take further measures to protect employees, patients and others in our communities. Naturally, this may affect the service available across our network.

More information for patients follows.

Please refer to the Government’s official COVID-19 advisory website offers a comprehensive and reliable information resource at

For more detailed information about the virus and how you can protect yourself, you can refer to Ministry of Health resources available at: Q&As or the Ministry of Health Facebook page at:…

Playing our part in the New Zealand health sector

Looking outside our organisation, working in step with other private hospitals across the country, Ormiston Hospital is actively working with health authorities –  and we will naturally do everything we can to offer care for patients to support the public health system.

We will continue to carefully monitor news and guidance from the World Health Organization and our Ministry of Health. Our commitment to keeping our patients and our communities safe will always guide us.

If you are reading this, Ormiston Hospital hopes you can stay safe and healthy with the support of your loved ones.