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Did you know that you can now complete your patient forms digitally? Check out our new digital experience here.

Patient forms

Make admission easy with our digital patient forms

You should find everything you need to know before coming into Ormiston Hospital for a surgical procedure on this website. This includes details of our facilities, what to bring, as well as discharge and payment information.

There are three parts to your patient admission forms

  1. Your personal details and health questionnare
  2. Your agreement to treatment (this is a consent form and one that you complete with your surgeon in-person during the admission process)
  3. Anaesthetic plan and consent (this is also a form that you will complete in-person during your admission to our hospital)

We ask that patients complete form 1 (your personal details and health questionnaire) and send it back to our Bookings Team no later than two days prior to your procedure.

You can complete this form in two different ways:


This form has been designed so that it can be completed on all digital devices, including your mobile, iPad and computer/laptop. Once submitted online, your form will automatically be sent to our Bookings team.


If you would rather complete your patient form manually, you can print off the PDF version and email it to or drop the printed version into our reception team on-site. Alternatively, you can also collect a printed version from our reception team.

If you have any queries regarding your patient information form, please feel free to contact the Ormiston Hospital Bookings team:

Phone: (09) 250 1157 Ext: 5865 or email:

Additional information

We also ask that patients read the following documents before coming into hospital: