
An apronectomy removes the wedge of fat and skin from the lower abdomen to create a flat, and more defined stomach. Ormiston Hospital offers this procedure within our safe and private hospital environment. Our experienced plastic surgeons regularly perform these types of surgeries and are able to tailor surgical solutions for each individual.

It is typically used to help:

  • Overhanging abdominal apron and person wants a simple procedure to remedy the problem.
  • May also be chosen for a person that has health problems that would preclude them from the longer and more complex Abdominoplasty procedure.

An apronectomy surgery is often recommended in cases where:

  • Extreme amounts of weight loss have led to excess skin
  • Pregnancy has resulted in stretched skin and weakened abdominal wall
  • Healthy diet and exercise regimens have not achieved your desired shape

If you are having Weight Loss Surgery with us you may be able to have an apronectomy at the same time.

tummy tuck, abdominoplasty


Surgery takes place within our private Ormiston Hospital, with the plastic surgeon of your choice. This procedure can be done as a day stay in most cases, or if required one night stay. It is a relatively easy procedure for our experienced plastic surgeons who can perform it in under two hours. During surgery the single incision is generally placed lower and inside the hip bones, meaning it is easy for the patient to hide in future should this be a concern.

Please note, we are only able to help a limited number of people with this surgery as if there is massive amounts of excess skin we cannot facilitate these types of surgeries.

Anesthesia: General 

General Side Effects: Temporary swelling, bruising, and some pain

Recovery: Back to work: 1 – 2 weeks.  More strenuous activity: 4 – 6 weeks

Duration of Results: Permanent if stable weight maintained

Patients of this surgery have reported a boost in their self confidence and their general sense of wellbeing. This procedure has helped many people to feel comfortable in their own skin again to ensure they can live life to the fullest.

If you are interested please email us to ask for more information or to make an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon: owls@ormistonhospital.co.nz