Gastroenterology and Endoscopy

Endoscopy is the process of looking inside body cavities, using a very small camera which is attached to the end of a long, flexible tube (endoscope). Ormiston Hospital has a dedicated team of endoscopists who regularly treat patients using the latest methods.

endoscopy at Ormiston

The images are then seen on a monitor so that the endoscopist can direct the movement of the endoscope. A highly safe and well practiced procedure.

Ormiston Hospital is equipped with the latest equipment that can allow for different instruments through the endoscope for the removal of samples or growths.

This technique is designed to help the doctor make a diagnosis either by seeing directly what is causing the problem or by taking a small tissue sample for examination under a microscope.

Endoscopy can also be used as a treatment for removal of swallowed objects in the esophagus (food pipe) and can view the healing of lesions.

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Paul Casey

Stephen Gerred

Dinesh Lal

Ravinder Ogra

Stephen Persson

Anurag Sekra

Parry Singh

Pediatric Specialists: 

Robert Lopez

Amin Roberts